Frontier Gunleather has been acquired by Matt Whitaker, the long-time general manager and Master Craftsman for John Bianchi, who personally chose Matt to carry on the legacy of Frontier Gunleather. Building upon a rich heritage, the handcrafted products continue to be a true art form, representing an investment in tomorrow's antiquities.


Handcrafted the old-fashioned way, one-at-a-time by our master craftsmen, Frontier Gunleather, continues a revival of the turn-of-the-century styles and craftsmanship. From personal defense holsters to Old-West styles, Frontier Gunleather has the experience and skills to cater to a diverse range of firearm enthusiasts. There is scarcely a holster produced today that does not show the Bianchi design influence. These concepts, deeply influenced by the vision of John Bianchi, have profoundly shaped the way millions of shooters think about guns and holsters.


Matt Whitaker, with years of experience as the general manager and a dedicated craftsman, has earned the trust and respect of the gunleather community. In acquiring Frontier Gunleather, he upholds the legacy of John Bianchi, one of the oldest and most trusted names in the "Gunleather" industry. With a 60-year-old worldwide reputation for premier quality, John Bianchi's influence on Frontier Gunleather will forever be visible in the design and quality of each item.


At Frontier Gunleather, we believe that the fit and finish of your holster should be as important as the fit and finish of your firearm. Our continuing commitment to excellence, pride, and quality remains our guiding principle. With each product we make, we continue to uphold our reputation as the best in the business, with a dedication to craftsmanship that is built into every piece.


Unlike production holsters that are made to accommodate a variety of handguns within a size range, our holsters are made to fit your specific handgun. (check our online gunlist to determine if we can craft a holster for your handgun.) Simply determine which of our many holster designs will fit the carry method that you desire, and we will make the holster for your specific firearm.